
For those who don't know about it, something that I thought might be of
interest to this list is the annual Linux Bier Wanderung.  The event is
a holiday for Linux enthusiasts who get together for a week of tech
talks, hiking, trips to local attractions, eating and of course,
drinking beer!  The event centres on a local hall (this year it's
Castleton Village Hall) and you can turn up with your laptop and find
yourself a desk, taking part in as many or as few of the events as you
please.  It's a fairly informal event, mostly a group of friends going
on holiday together.  Attendees find their own accomodation, bread &
water and then turn up at the hall.  The LBW 2013 website is at  I would be great to see some new faces at
the LBW, so feel free to come along if you feel like a break with like
minded Linux people!


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