David Guntner grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Not only that, but given the comments around all the sections that point
> at /etc/grub.d/{whatever}, does this mean that /boot/grub/grub.cfg is
> being built by something, from those other files?  If so, it seems that
> directly editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg might not be such a good idea....

Well, looking again at the grub.cfg file, specifically the top of the
file, which has this in it:

> #
> #
> # It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
> # from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
> #

I'd say that answers *that* question (of whether or not it's a good idea
to edit the file directly). :-)  So I'm not entirely sure why someone
would point anyone at that file as the way to edit the configuration.... :-/

Anyway, if anyone else knows how I can convince grub that there's
nothing on /dev/sdb1 to try and boot from (so I can get it off the boot
menu), I'd sure love to know how to do it. :-)  Why does the
30_os-prober come to the conclusion that there's something there?


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