in-line :-

> Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 20:11:09 +0100
> From: Brian <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: has anybody known what became of the always releaseable testing
> essay/wishlist thing ?

> On Sat 07 Sep 2013 at 23:59:11 +0530, shirish शिरीष wrote:
>> Please CC me if somebody replies as I'm not subscribed to the list.
> There is probably a very good reason why you are not subscribed. You may
> very well reveal why not in the course of time.

simply because of a. information overload b. I would never get anything done .

As it is , I find debian-user addictive.

>> Does anybody know what happened to the always releasable testing
>> release goal.
>> This was shared sometime back [1] [2]
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> It certainly should make debian development a bit faster as well as
>> not have much stress as both users and dev. have during the freeze.
>> Would like to know if somebody knows if there was any action taken on
>> that.
>> Just an interested user.
> This mail is from a concerned user. But he is concerned about why you do
> not simply expess your opinion on the subject in more detail (faster,
> less stressful?) rather than soliciting what others think.
> To answer your two questions: No and no.

If I actually re-read that wiki page partial solutions seem to be
already in the offing in the form of


I *think* from what little I know or have experienced many packages
which are to updated/upgraded to a specific version for a release make
their way very near to the freeze. Whether it's due transitions or
dep-wait or something else I'm not so sure but if this autopkg bit
comes into play and we have a bit faster transition to testing then
those bugs which are latter tagged as RC bugs

f. and more importantly

could be found earlier. The only thing that would remain is to have
some sort of short pauses which is recommended in the essay rather
than the longish freeze that we have now. As can be seen

h. esp.

almost nine months passed by and then we have a flurry of updates
which happen a bit after the release and things get broken away. With
always releasable we would not that big a gap between two releases of
$some software which is packaged in debian.

I know I'm making a lot of assumptions here. For e.g. that the
maintainer of the software is active and the whole thing goes without
a hitch but still it would be better than now.

As shared before (I think) not a developer but just a user or a
consumer of Debian.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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