On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 10:22:38AM -0400, Tom H wrote:

> What's "no-auto-default=00:21:CC:B6:06:8F,"?!
> I've never seen "no-auto-default=..." before but I'd blame it for your
> NIC not coming up automatically since "00...8F" is its MAC address!

That line is commented out. Not sure why it didn't show up that way in my
post. Tried uncommenting it with no effect. I don't understand what it's
doing there. Pinging my router as root still gives "Operation not permitted". 
It says I'm sending packets but none are received.

At this point I'm completely snowed to the point where I'm tempted to
try the M$ solution (reload the OS). So far I'm fighting the temptation.

If it wasn't or the fact that I can connect w/ eth0 using other distros
I would suspect the router.

Thanks for your patient effort.

Bob Holtzman
Your mail is being read by tight lipped 
NSA agents who fail to see humor in Doctor 
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