On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:18:39 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 19:34 +0400, recovery...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Out of curiosity, what are names of these Gnome applications?
> Xfce does need gtk. 

XFCE needs GTK+2. Current GNOME needs GTK+3. GNOME2 depended on
libgconf, and no XFCE part depends on it.

> Xfce doesn't provide some software, resp. only
> rudimentary software for some usages.

I don't see this as a bad thing.
Why bother implementing, say, DE-tied display manager, then there is an
excellent nodm? Likewise, nothing beats good old xscreensaver. Unless
you're trying to to something very uncommon, TightVNC client is as good
as that GNOME gizmo.

> Likely it's used with
> NetworManager,

Which doesn't even depend on X, not to mention any GUI toolkit.
And I always failed to understand what's so hot about that
NetworkDestroyer anyway.

> Gedit etc. and as mentioned before, 

Mousepad is a graphical text editor for Xfce.

> for showing devices
> in Thunar, even trash, gvfs is needed.

For that, you need thunar-volman, which in turn depends on libgudev,
which in turn listens for udev events via libudev. Actual mounting can
be provided by anything (which includes, but surely not limited to
dreaded gvfs, which chews on harddrives).

> Sure, there's no hard dependency to Gnome software (or KDE software),
> but at least I install a DE to get a DE and Xfce4 is missing features.
> Would you like to use mousepad for programming?

Of course not. Vim covers all my programming and text editing needs.
They say that Emacs will be good for that too, once they put a text
editor inside :)
Are you implying that Gedit is suitable as an IDE?

> What are you using as
> your MUA? Etc. pp..

Sylpheed, mutt, maybe Icedove (Thunderbird in Debian-speek). Evolution
is not the only MUA provided in Debian, and there is nothing special
about it IMO.

> "XFCE without GNOME/KDE parts" isn't a subject from me, but I agree that
> it's quasi impossible to use Xfce without stuff from Gnome or if
> installing Qt doesn't matter, KDE.

Why, it's perfectly possible as it's exactly what I'm doing for several
years. I was merely curious if there's some 'killer GNOME app' that I'm
missing, and it looks like it's still not.


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