On Jo, 19 sep 13, 10:08:55, Josef Bailey wrote:
> Hello all
> I'm new to mutt / Debian mailing list
> What im trying to do is in gmail.com i have many sub folders .. Every 
> Folder / label is whatever mailing list i have subscribed to debian
> (eg. Debian_User = debian-user@lists.debian.org)
> I have set a filter in gmail so it skips the inbox / marks as read and 
> then goes to this folder

Have you checked that the filter is doing the right thing via the web 
interface of Gmail?
> For some reason in mutt it goes to all/mail 

Just for your information, the All Mail folder contains, well, all your 
e-mail. You might want to make it invisible to mutt (see below).
> Is there a way to organize mutt so that my mail goes into the right 
> location or is there a way to organize gmail so the mail goes into the 
> right folders
If your filter is working properly the only bit missing is to mark "Show 
in IMAP" for each Label you want to see in mutt. Likewise uncheck for 
Labels you don't need (e.g. All Mail, depending on your habits).

See below all hooks I'm using with Gmail. Beware that the focus may jump 
unexpectedly on "delete" and "report as spam" because for some actions 
Gmail is removing the message from underneath your cursor (i.e. not like 
pulling the carped underneath one's feet).

# report Gmail spam
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com              'macro  index,pager \er 
"<save-message>imaps://imap.gmail.com/[Gmail]/Spam\n" "Report Gmail spam"'

# This is better for IMAP
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com              set     menu_context=0

# Not spam
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com.*Spam        'macro  index,pager \er 
"<save-message>imaps://imap.gmail.com/INBOX\n" "Mark not spam"'

# don't read mail twice
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com              'macro  pager   S   
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com              'macro  pager d 

# allow to delete unread
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com              'macro  index d ":unset 

# Gmail delete
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com              set     
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com.*Spam        unset   trash
folder-hook     imap.gmail.com.*Spam        'macro  index,pager d   

Kind regards,
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