On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 17:11, Mental Patient wrote:

> I found myself using imagemagic often to 
> manipulate photos taken with a digital camera. I use nautilus/gnome as 
> my desktop environment. After a while it got annoying to have to keep 
> dropping into a shell to rotate, scale or montage the picture(s). So I 
> wrote  a couple pygtk scripts and put them in the scripts dir for 
> nautilus. So now I can select a bunch of pictures, right click and send 
> them to the wrapper. Up pops a gtk2 interface that I can use to set 
> options like rotational direction, or filetype to output as a montage. 
> It fits in with the rest of the desktop and I dont have to keep 
> opening/closing terminals.

Very interesting. Are your scripts distributed somewhere ?

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