On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 06:04:37PM +0600, Muntasim-Ul-Haque wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded Debian Wheezy to Testing/Jessey. The up-gradation
> process is done and now my Debian Testing is acting weird.
> Softwares/apps look like I'm running them using WINE. I mean, They
> are looking as if they're Windows' software and I'm running them in
> Debian using WINE. But in fact they are not. Now what can I do?
> Should I fall-back to the Debian Stable or what?
> With thanks,
> Muntasim-Ul-Haque
Check and see what icon themes you've got installed.  Maybe some of them
accidentally got removed during the upgrade.

aptitude search ~i | grep icon

I think gnome-icon-theme is sort of the standard, but my system has a
few additional ones.


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