On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 04:28:01PM +0600, Muntasim-Ul-Haque wrote:
> Hi,
> Fonts is Debian Wheezy XFCE does not look good. I'm not comparing
> the font rendering with other distros but I have to make it better
> and clearer. How to make fonts look great in Debian Wheezy XFCE?
> What's the way out?

A couple of possibilities. In the main menu, click Settings ->
Appearance. In that dialog, click the "Font" tab. From there, you can
choose suitable font settings. Check you have a decent font (Droid Sans
and DejaVu Sans are good places to start). Turn on anti-aliasing and, if
you have an LCD monitor, check the "sub-pixel order" matches your
hardware (you may want a magnifying glass :)

If that doesn't help, then it maybe that you have a theme that only
supports GTK2 (many applications are switching to GTK3 these days). Try
"Bluebird" (from the murrine-themes package) for a nice modern theme.

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