On 22/12/13 12:54, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Lisi Reisz wrote:
>> Scott Ferguson wrote:
>>> 1. Logout of your gmail account.
>>> 2. Wipe cookies (Iceweasel -> Edit -> Preferences... -> Privacy ->
>>> Remove individual cookies... -> Remove all cookies -> Close.
>>> (google "saves" your account login using cookies).
>>> 3. Login to his gmail account. (now the default google login for
>>> that browser is his).
>> That worked! \o/  Thank you very much.
> Yay!
> I have had an additional problem before.  A buddy that I help with the
> computer wanted his credentials to be remembered in the browser.  That
> is fine.  But because he had other failed logins the browser form
> history was remembering these other lines and suggesting them in the
> login fields.  Those erroneous suggestions were in the way.

There are two elements:-
;login/profile stored in cookie (sometimes as a fffflash cookie which is
another kettle of spit)
;password (and login) stored by password manager

The sites, i.e. google use cookies to store the login
The browser stores the passwd OR you can use a password manager (I
recommend KWallet). If the browsers stores the password the "key" is the
URL. The Iceweasel browser can store many username and password
combinations against a given URL. These can be weeded with Iceweasel ->
Edit -> Preferences... -> Security -> Search for part of the interesting
URL -> Remove bad password/username.

Sometimes the problem is that the browser won't store a username and/or
password. This may be solved (sometimes) by creating a blank bookmark
for the site and reloading the page.
Other times the inablity to save a username and password is the result
of dedicated stupidity verging on criminal negligence i.e. the
site/application was designed so that password managers could *not* be
used (I'm looking at you OpenERP). This happens when company employ
idiots as "programmers" and the idiots can't manage their own passwords
for testing so they design the interface accordingly. If the "trick" is
done with javascript saving the following single-line of code to a
bookmark will allow the browser to save the username/password:-


With applications like OpenERP where the "programmers" have gone to more
trouble to ensure poor security the only solution is don't use the product.

> If you find yourself in a similar situation you can remove them
> individually.  To remove them you can of course completely clear the
> browser history.  Or you in Iceweasel at least you can hover the mouse
> over the undesired entry suggestions and press the keypad Delete key.
> That will remove that individual entry from the browser history
> without needing to clear the entire form history.

It's probably a good idea to clear all cookies and History as default
everytime you start a browser if privacy is a concern, but judicious use
of the Private Browsing feature of most good browsers is a safe
substitute (IMO). With Iceweasel it 'used' to be possible to set Privacy
so that history and cookies were always deleted from previous sessions.
I suspect you need an extension to do that now.

NOTE: form history, and browsing history are different. A site can
"read" your previous browsing history but not your form history.
tl;dr? browsing history bad, form history useful.

> Bob

Kind regards

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