Yes is possible, but there will be some data migration and configuration
Some more information would be helpful as well.  Does the existing data
contain the OS?  What are you trying to achieve by moving the data?

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Ron Leach <> wrote:

> Is it possible to create an LVM on a machine that's already running Wheezy
> but without an LVM?
> I've looked at
> and the howto which the wiki refers to,
> but these seem, to me, to be meant for an initial install or, at minimum,
> for empty disks or partitions.  Whereas I wanted to create an LVM from
> combining an existing 1.7TB partition (preserving its data) with a new,
> empty, 2TB disk, so as to have a 3.7TB logical volume that already contains
> the 1.7TB's worth of data.
> If it is possible, the step I don't understand is how to create an LVM
> physical volume of the existing 1.7TB partition, without destroying the
> data already on that partition.  The howto suggests that pvcreate should be
> used but won't that damage the data and filesystem on that partition?
> Apologies if my question isn't clear.  Basically,
> (i) can I make an LVM based on an existing partition while preserving its
> data and, if so,
> (ii) how do I avoid damaging the data on that partition?
> regards, Ron
> --
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Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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