On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 06:58:11PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 17:36 +0000, Iain M Conochie wrote:
> > Gazing into my crystal ball, there will be a 3D interface that will
> > blow us all away, and the kids will laugh at us for using a mouse /
> > keyboard.
> Not necessarily! We eat using classic knifes since several hundred years
> and btw. a good knife isn't produced by a computer controlled machine,
> but handcrafted by a craftsman.

But these, sure as hell, aren't sold in grocery stores.

> It could be that computers will be used by a keyboard and a mouse even
> in 300 years, because this is a good way to do it and in addition it
> could be, that computers are not that much used as today, people perhaps
> find back to play a real music instrument, to handcraft a lot of things
> again, to get better quality. They perhaps will read books again instead
> of "Linux sucks" blogs.

You're, indulging in wishful thinking. That world died circa 1970. It won't 
return because large corporations won't be able to make as much money as they 
can now. Sad, huh?

> When parallel ports replaced serial ports nobody imagined that serial
> ports once will replace parallel ports, but they did and it also could
> be that analog technology will replace a lot of digital technology in
> the future.

Don't hold your breath.

> Sure, in the future we might be able to control computers by thinking,
> the technology once will be available, but perhaps humans start making
> social progress and aren't under a spell of computers anymore. The
> computer in the future might be a tool for tasks a computer is useful,
> but beyond that people might be completely disinterested in using
> computers.

Bob Holtzman
Your mail is being read by tight lipped 
NSA agents who fail to see humor in Doctor 
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