SOLVED, I think:

On 12/15/13, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
> When I run ls -l /media/, the command hangs. Ctrl-C breaks the hang.

The hang appears to be due to the following combination, in my case:

 the -F option to ls,

 with a directory in the directory being listed,

 which directory is a mount point for a mount listed in /etc/fstab,

 which fstab entry includes the mount option

 and where the device in question (in my case an external USB HDD)
   is not plugged in
   and therefore cannot be auto-mounted

I experienced a very similar situation with systemd and an sshfs mount,
where ls -F simply hung for a totally unreasonable period of time.

So, this appears to be quite repeatable, now that I've identified the
combination required to trigger this "hang".

It's the systemd automounter not realising quickly enough (in the case
of a UUID identified external HDD) that the external HDD is not

and in the case of sshfs, due to the network being involved, can be
forgiven, but is still very user unfriendly.

I guess a little study of systemd automounter is now in order, and
possibly a bug filing.

See also a quite probably similar problem I experienced around the
same time, with update-grub:

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