Solved this one.  Turns out I just needed to do grub-install on the old
partitions.  They must have had a stale version of grub.

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Ari Epstein <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Trying this again.  I have a server with / (including /boot) on a md,
> RAID1 device.  Or so I thought.  After updating installing latest 7.4
> kernel and rebooting I noticed it was running an older kernel.  Output from
> update-grub suggested that two unused spares somehow had older versions of
> the / partition.  I added them back as hot spares and then made them
> mirrors of the current / partition (which should have the updated kernel on
> it), but the error messages I have got from update-grub since have gone
> from disturbing to just plain weird.  Have a look at the attachment.
> I am guessing GRUB is working off an old map of partitions, but don't
> understand enough of how it works to get any further than that.  Any advice
> or pointers to decent documentation appreciated!

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