On 9 February 2014 23:16, Alex Naysmith <yeoman.pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> With Debian Wheezy installed, I have the Geforce 6800 GT graphics card.
> The screen flickers every few seconds with the default nouveau drivers. I
> therefore installed the version 304.88 nvidia drivers [1].
> These drivers enable 3D acceleration as well as eliminate the screen
> flickering. However, I have a limited range of screen resolutions available.
> I know 1680x1050 60Hz is available on my HDTV. When I try to use xrandr to
> add a new mode with the following commands..
> xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00"  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 1053
> 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync
> xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1680x1050_60.00
> I get this error message:
>     X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  154 (RANDR)
>   Minor opcode of failed request:  18 (RRAddOutputMode)
>   Serial number of failed request:  29
>   Current serial number in output stream:  30
> This is apparently due to the incompatibilities between xrandr and the
> nvidia compiled driver. Is anyone aware of a version of nvidia driver that
> does work with the Geforce 6800 GT?
> [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers#Version_304.88

I've found a solution!. The problem is that the HDTV [Toshiba 32BL702B]
does not send any EDID information through the VGA socket. No EDID bytes
were posted on the /var/log/xorg.0.log. Without the EDID data, the nvidia
driver will not recognise the available resolutions and default to 640x480
or something similar.

Instead of using the VGA input on the HDTV, I connected to one of the HDMI
inputs using a DVI-D to HDMI cable. The computer then received the EDID
data and recognised all the available resolutions.

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