Scott Ferguson writes:
 > On 18/02/14 22:17, Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:
 > > Scott Ferguson writes:
 > >  > 
 > >
 > > 
 > > I have to check wheter the "seamless" X11 support in Snow Leopard is still
 > > not so "seamless" as it was Panther (i.e. character rendering, sometimes
 > > close to unreadable). Gotta check this evening.
 > I'm not sure Apple is an appropriate reference for Linux, but then also
 > you've previously made the point the Linux is not POSIX and seem to find
 > that a problem (GNU?).

Are you sure I did that statement?

 > I don't see why Linux shouldn't lead instead of
 > follow flawed models - but it's not my call.

I agree with you. The problem for me is that it seems to follow these

I got your quoting as some form of endorsment of the document at the
first link. Re-reading your message there is nothing confirming and
nothing denying.

Anyway: the reference  to Apple was due a statement  in that document,
and I did a  test this morning, and X11 support  in Snow Leopard... Is
the same as in Panther.

 > > I  am  not  sure  I  would  use  such  an  architecture  for  a  local
 > > application, at least today.
 > > 
 > > That would mean to use some sort of application server, the
 > > application within the application server and then a browser to run
 > > the app.
 > > 
 > > Very heavy for the machine. 
 > Not necessarily. e.g.

It's a VNC that uses a browser...  Nice, but VNC like stuff is not a
replacement for X. I would like to see how much power is required to
run it.

 > On the few occasions that I need more than a remote terminal I find x2go
 > has more useful features and uses less resources than x forwarding and

Less resources... Which resources? Bandwidth? Memory?

X11 is weak when you start displaying large bitmap images (as weak as
the underlying network link). I did run the first set of OpenMoko apps
doing remote display through a ethernet-over-USB link and they worked
fine (it was the telephony that was junk).

 > > I know that HTML 5 can do wonderful things. I am working on a program
 > > thad does HEAVY use of html 5 and javascript, a program meant to run
 > > on either the desktop or a tablet. I had to beef mine to 8G mostly
 > > because of the JavaScript/HTML5 part of the architecture
 > I'm definitely not an expert on javascript[*1] - but 8GiB RAM
 > requirement seems like it could use some optimising. Have you made use
 > of HTML5s full local capabilities?

The problem was the browser  that grown its memory footprint, possibly
due  the changes  in the  code. Google  guys are  known for  very high
javascript skills, but belive me, Google mail is not half as complex as
the application I am working on. It's a simple mail client, not part
of an ERP system for the health care system :).
 > > Then what? two output modules for the same program? 
 > Huh?

If you do not use HTML5 for both local and remote output then you need
two output modules.

 > > By  the way,  the application  I  am working  on relies  on a  certain
 > > implementation (webkit) and does not run on, say, firefox.
 > Then you don't ask anyone else why some applications don't respect
 > standards. :)

Sadly I am not in charge neither in the architecture nor in the licensing...

 > > Wonderful, HTML 5  succeeded in turning the clock about  20 years back
 > > when IE3  understood (non  standard) tags that  Netscape did  not (and
 > > vice versa).
 > I'm not sure what you're trying to say there... HTML4 is a standard, but
 > not all browsers support all the tags recognised by the various browsers.
 > HTML5 has only recently (4th Feb) become a W3C *Candidate*

That is. We are back to the mid '90. How long will we need to wait until
an application will run on mozilla or webkit implementation w/o problems?

That's o.t. with kde and kdm. Thanks for adding the tag :)

 /\           ___                                    Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____               African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico            meaning "I can
\/                 coltivatore diretto di software       not install
     giĆ  sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...                Debian"

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