On 02/03/14 23:21, disbandtechc...@tfwno.gf wrote:

> Regular inits are under 10k lines of code inclusive.

Um, are you kind of limiting your audience? The vast majority of the
readers of this list are familiar with the internet. Have *you* heard of it?
Did you consider they might check? You know - like compare apples with
apples, logger *and* init with logger and init.

> Notice how the fknuts always try to change the tables.
> "It's YOU who are the shill!"

OMG you're so right (lol)....

Not that I want to keep you from your work.

> And always it is the same argument:
> supercomplex softwares running as root are great!

That'd be superdoopercomplex (blakmagikalabristic) wouldn't it?

> When it's unaudited, 

In the land of lollipops and chocolate ponies, or the land of FUD. But
not in Debian.
Have you heard of Open Source?
Many eyes...?
Intelligent discussion?

I guess not. :/


> Here's an easy way for concurrent boot:
> command1 & command2 & command3;
> othercommand1 & othercommand2 & othercommand3;
> thirdsetofcommands1 & thirdsetofcommands2 & thirdsetofcommands3;

Um, you do know pseudocode is not an actual, um, code. (and that ain't
pseudocode as we know it)

In actual code (you know - the clicketty clicketty thing the pointy
heads do) that'd be just like, um, systemd[*1]. Which, if you'd done
*any* research, you'd know I don't advocate - just have respect for the
Debian Constitution, the end result of which is the Debian I use.

[*1] or *systemv*, and probably a bunch of other init systems I'm not
familiar with.

> (Nice gmail address scott,

Yes. Scott is my name Mr? um, disbandtech.
gmail is just a tool I use because I don't spam the list with my
business. I guess hypocrisy is your strong point.
Now you can go wash your hands. Mud sticks.

As for *you* using the SOA mailing address to shill this list - I'm
guessing you got a smack from your bosses for that. Just like the fool
who was your predecessor when he stupidly posted from wonderland.mil.
Maybe there's something to be said for the theory that morality and
technical ability are inextricably linked... If you still have your job
tomorrow it'll be with instructions to post from a throwaway email
address - under strict supervision on a temporary contract.

> who do they work with, oh yes,
> the US government,

Logical and irrefutable conclusion Sherlock, I am in awe of your insight
- where do I sign up to your newsletter?.

Did you really believe being intellectually challenged was a requirement
for subscribing to this list? Or are you just blindly following a
script? Seriously - I'm fascinated.

Now I'm bored (apologies to others who were already beyond boredom).

Kind regards (to the rest of the list).

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