I installed dnsmasq on a production web server to improve caching (we tend to 
resolve alot of domains while serving pages) my problem is that we have to use 
dhcp with the server, so cannot use static ips.with that in mind, the dhcpd 
client keeps overriding my resolv.conf
i can't lock the file as the dns provided by the dhcp service may change (i 
don't have control over it) so what i need is the following;
nameserver  (ip provided by the dhcp service)
i tried setting dhcpd-eth0.conf and using a prepend record , that didn't work.
tried installing resolvconf and added "nameserver" in 
/etc/resolvconf/head though that overrides the resolv.conf completely and 
removes the one provided by the dhcpd service
at the moment i have cron job at reboot that accomplishes that for me, but it's 
not an optimal solution.
Any suggestion? 

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