On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 10:31:54PM -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> I seem to remember this happening after an update but I'm not positive.
> It did work before. My wireless connection continues to work.
> Looked at the usual suspects, /etc/ network/interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf, 
> etc but everything looked the same as before as close as I remember.
> Searching on the subject line turns up a lot of hits but nothing I tried
> produced a connection.
> Didn't see anything applicable in dmesg but I may have missed it. 
> ifup eth0 gives "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0
> Running Debian 7.4 on a Lenovo t420 w/ 4G RAM and an Intel i3.
> Being pretty ignorant about networking, I'm at a loss as to where to 
> begin trouble shooting. Any pointers appreciated.

For a while it looked like a bad cable as I was able to connect on a
different one from the same router. The connection lasted long enough to
d/l an update. Then I closed the connection. Today none of the cables
from the router allow a connection. The nm-applet swears I'm connected
but trying to ping the router gives "operation not permitted". 

Wireless continues to work. I *think* that removes the router from 
suspicion. If I'm wrong please correct me. 

Bob Holtzman
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