On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 03:51:01PM -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

> DynDNS just announced that their free hostname program in 30 days
> will no longer be gratis.
> I use that with ddclient to update the IP address for my blog.
> Are there other free alternatives?

This news disappointed me too, given that I have been using their
service since the available domains were dyndns.org and two others that
I don't remember. There are some free alternatives which I
am currently investigating. Unfortunately most of those I have looked at
seem to require a Windows binary download, or use a web-based interface
which would require manual intervention whenever my IP changes (rather
defeating the purpose, I think).


But you'll notice Perl has a goto.
                -- Larry Wall in <199710211624.jaa17...@wall.org>

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