On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 05:15:32PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
| Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
| >File a bug report.
|     Why?  I don't see it as a bug.

Richard said he does ...

| >Mutt handles this situation correctly, as follows :
| >    list-reply  replies only to the list (because Mail-Followup-To
| >                                                 doesn't request a Cc)
| >    reply       asks if the Reply-To: address should be used
| >                    yes -> uses Reply-To: address
| >                    no  -> uses From: address
| >    group-reply asks if the Reply-To: address should be used (same
| >                    semantics as 'reply') and includes the list
| >                    address in the Cc: header
| >If sylpheed can't handle that, then that is a bug and ought to be
| >fixed.
| What's to say that the mutt was is The One True Way.

Not necessarily, but I expect that if I execute list-reply then I
reply to the list.

| Hey, don't get me wrong, I like mutt for the most part but a lot of
| how it does things is just plain stupid.  Unless there is an RFC
| floating around out there that says that the list headers trump
| reply-to

Well, it's not the list headers anyways.  First I list the list
addresses and my subsribtion status in mutt's config file.  Then when
I execute list-reply it looks in the To: and Cc: headers to locate
list addresses.

| (there may be, I've not read the list headers RFC yet)

I haven't looked at that one in-depth.

| then either way can be explained to be correct within reasonable
| expectations.

| SC's way is "correct" because it would be analogous to setting 
| "followup-to" in a newsgroup.  IE, how can you encourate a person to
| take a discussion off list?

Hmm.  It seems like another header or other flag is needed to indicate

(btw, I'm not very familiar with the details of newsgroup operation
and haven't read any newsgroup-specific RFCs)

*My* view is that Reply-To: is a personal header indicating where one
would want personal replies, if different from From:.  IMO you setting
that doesn't override my wish to reply on-list to a list discussion.

If sylpheed users don't like the way sylpheed currently behaves, then
they ought to file a bug report.  Either way it's not really something
I should get into because I am not involved with sylpheed at all.



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