On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 04:14:57AM -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    From: Marko Randjelovic <marelo...@gmail.com>
>    To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>    Cc: Horatio Leragon <hlera...@yahoo.com>
>    Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 12:22 PM
>    Subject: Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie.
>    enable internet access)?
>    > If you didn't unselect "Desktop Environment" during install, it's
>    already installed.
>    I unselected "Desktop Environment" during install as I have found it to be
>    bloated, full of software that I do not need at all.
>    > Read some basic introduction about basic networking terms. Then you
>    could read some basic introduction to Linux networking.
>    I have done that and since I am still clueless, I asked the questions
>    here.
>    > For your current problem, you didn't provide us enough information. We
>    don't even know if your network cable is pluged in or you expect to be
>    > cnnected by wireless.
>    During installation of Debian, there is no wired and wireless connection.
>    Debian skips auto-configuration of network, DHCP and DHCPv6.
>    I install a bare minimum of Debian. During "Selecting software to
>    install", I unselect all the three items offered to me: Desktop
>    Environment, Print Server and Standard System Utilities.
>    About one or two weeks after installation, I take my laptop computer to my
>    friend's home where there is both wired and wireless connection.
>    What commands do I have to type at the console, tty1, to enable internet
>    access?

OK, given your preference for keeping things to a minimum, you may as
well do the following.

If the connection is wired and DHCP is available:
 #0: apt-get install isc-dhcp-client (I'm assuming you have your install
     CD handy)
 #1: sudo dhclient eth0

That should be enough to get you an IP, a nameserver and a default
route. Try "ping -c1 google.com" or else "ping -c1". If the
first fails, but the second works, append "namesever" to

If the connection is wired, and DHCP is not available (i.e. a static IP
is provided)
  #1: ip address add x.x.x.x/yy dev eth0
  #2: ip route add default via z.z.z.z dev eth0
  #3: echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf

Where "x.x.x.x/yy" and "z.z.z.z" are the ip address (x.x.x.x), netmassk
(yy bits) and gateway server (z.z.z.z) that your friend provides.

If you visit this friend regularly, you might want to look at putting
something into /etc/network/interfaces (man interfaces has some good

If the connection is wireless, I would suggest installing wpasupplicant
and then following something like the ArchLinux page on how to use it:


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