 From: Richard Hector <rich...@walnut.gen.nz>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org 
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2014 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. 
enable internet access)?

> Are they really awesome? What do they do? What were the questions?

I believe you are new to this mailing list.

I've been told and even scolded umpteen times by some so-called Debian experts 
here that I've to first find out the answers myself using search tools, the 
almighty Debian Reference Manual, etc, etc, etc.

So I'm repeating what I've been brainwashed: please find out yourself what the 
above command does.

> The second has some significant pitfalls imho, though that depends on the 
> question.

I can tell you what the original question was as I was the one who asked.

It was: how to remove old kernels and their corresponding entries in the Grub2 
bootloader menu from my computer? (I only wanted to keep the latest upgraded 

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