Thierry de Coulon <> writes:

Hello Thierry.

> This being said, "pure" wheezy simply can't work on my machine (no graphics, 
> no network, not even a hard disc...) so the only other choice is another 
> distribution until Jessie becomes stable.
> I can't stand Ubuntu(s), but openSuSE ssems OK (even if i had a hell
> of a time getting gscan2pdf to work). Zypper and Yast have their
> problems too, anyway...

I did start with SuSE in '99, then used Gentoo >5yrs and moved to Arch
(>5yrs), played a bit with Frugal and in the meantime did bunch of
Ubuntu installations. Also had short affair with Free/PC-BSD. However,
now I've settled on Debian (Sid) and must say that it brings me quite
fresh software and is way more stable than all other distributions which
I used in the past. (I do not perform 'apt-get upgrade' every day).

As far as DEs are concerned I have some parts of Xfce installed (mostly
to have Thunar for other family members), but, otherwise, i3 wm
( with its multiple workspaces, statusbar, ability to
launch specific apps on specific workspaces etc. is all I need

Disclaimer: Never used Trinity and KDE-0.9.x was last time when I played
with KDE. ;)


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all material desires, he neither acts for sense gratification 
nor engages in fruitive activities.

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