On Sb, 07 iun 14, 09:48:44, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've lived for years using synaptic and I am no so used to aptitude - and I 
> don't want to make mistakes...
> Possibly my installation is now in such a state that I should reinstall, but 
> everything *is* working. Anyway:
> - searching for broken packages gives 0 packages in synatiptic but 6 packages 
> in aptitude.
Please post the output of

    aptitude search '?broken'

> - marking upgradable packages causes both to want to remove lots of things 
> (including parts of cups, Gimp, and of cours all my DE).
> - If I try to update with aptitude it gives me a liste of packages that 
> should 
> be "removed because they are no more used", which is nonsense because most of 
> them ARE in current use.

Apt/itude's definition of 'unused' is automatically installed (i.e. as 
dependencies), nothing depends on them (anymore).

> I am thinking all this comes from the fact that I installed Wheezy with 
> Gnome, 
> installed another DE, then removed *parts* of gnome, and the system is 
> thinking because part of Gnome is missing, it should clean up and remove 
> anything that needs it (the list of removal is long, but does include 
> gftp and so).


> Whats more, the system seems not logical, as it wants to remove Gimp 
> but complains that gimp-data (not to be removed) needs Gimp....
> Any way to bring this mess in order?

If you're new with aptitude this may be easier to sort out with apt. Try 

    apt-get update # optional, but safe
    apt-get upgrade # safe, doesn't ever remove packages
    apt-get dist-upgrade # carefully check proposed removals

When running these apt-get will tell you that some packages are no 
longer used and you should use 'autoremove' to get rid of them. Don't do 
that (just yet). Instead use

    apt-mark manual <package>

to mark as manually installed any package you know you actually need. 
Don't bother with libraries or -data packages, because these should be 
kept as dependencies. When you're done try

    apt-get autoremove

If you're still not satisfied with the outcome mark some more packages.

Kind regards,
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