On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:12:49 +0300
"P Perazim" <pera...@inbox.lt> wrote:

> Migrating from fedora to debian.


> I need to have apt use the latest version of cups
> (1.7.3) that I can see in the pool directory on
> the web.

You can't; if you're in stable (wheezy), you'll only
get the stable version.

> I don't really understand the apt logic
> at this point so I don't know what to do so I am
> asking.

Each branch has its pkgs list, eg: if cups_1.7.3 is in 
the unstable or testing list, it won't be in the stable
list, so it won't even appear in your pkg manager.
> Running 7.5.0 and have checked the software
> sources and there doesn't seem to be an option to
> do this.

There is no easy answer because some pkgs sometimes
might be installable; many other can't be installed
because they have dependencies that can't be met in
your branch (≠ libc6, ≠ libs, etc).

Mixing branches can be a perilous exercice; if you're
in stable, try the backports repository and install
some of its pkgs (but _don't_ use all of it, unless
you know exactly what you're doing!)

BOFH excuse #414:
tachyon emissions overloading the system

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