Op Sun, 10 Aug 2014 11:16:58 +0200 schreef Floris <jkflo...@dds.nl>:

Op Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:32:00 +0200 schreef Hugo Vanwoerkom <hvw59...@care2.com>:


Could you elaborate? You mean that if you connect, lets say a ps/2 keyboard and an USB keyboard, 2 Nvidia video cards with 2 monitors attached and 2 USB mice and I run systemd, then it will figure out how to make a 2-seater out of this. Meaning 2 users logged on simultaneously. Surely you must set up a proper xorg.conf, how much should it contain? Have you actually tried this or is it your conclusion that "systemd ought to do this"?


Three steps are necessary:

1 - Create a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-nvidia.conf
2 - Tag the Nvidia card for seat1 as a "master-of-seat"
3 - Attach a mouse, keyboard and soundcard

forgot to say
for some more information about a multiseat setup from our Fedora friends



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