On Jo, 14 aug 14, 09:48:45, Joel Rees wrote:
> A four-four draw in the technical committees should have been a call
> to open the discussion to a wider user base, not a call for one member
> of the committee to make an arbitrary decision. Things are not
> functioning correctly "up" there, even if we ignore the Social
> Contract.

This seems to come up from time to time so I have to say:

    The vote against sysvinit was 7:1

Sysvinit didn't even beat Further Discussion (4:4), which in Debian's 
voting system means "we would rather restart the discussion than 
continue with sysvinit".

The 4:4 draw you are referring to, the one decided by the Chairman's 
casting vote was for the systemd vs. upstart part of the vote.


Add to this that the Technical Committee specifically designed the 
resolution to be overridable by a General Resolution with a simple 
majority (vs. the two thirds required by the constitution to override 
the Technical Committee). Yet,

- *nobody* proposed a resolution to change systemd with upstart or stick 
  with sysvinit
- the proposed resolution to decide between loose coupling vs. tight 
  coupling didn't even gather enough sponsors.


Kind regards,
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