2014/09/04 6:02 "Bzzzz" <lazyvi...@gmx.com>:
> On Wed, 3 Sep 2014 21:38:47 +0100
> Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org> wrote:
> Thanks for your very clear explanation, Jonathan.
> > kernel support is pretty much essential to improve the performance of
> > dbus. Lots of data is being passed over dbus by apps nowadays, and
> > because it's an entirely userspace solution that means data is being
> > copied from process to process.
> > These needless copies can be avoided
> > with some kind of help from the kernel, but none of the existing IPC
> > mechanisms are good enough.
> Beyong my leadue far this is, but applying Ocam's Razor to this
> situation, I'd say the solution could be to have "several layers
> of userspace" with different rights & privileges ? (a bit like
> the i386 CPU privileges layers).

Twenty+ years after Linus's epiphany that the i386 "privilege separation"
was just a lock-in technology and nothing more, ...

Okay, maybe he didn't quite put it that way. But it was definitely not a
unix-ish thing to do then, and it would not be a unixish way to do it now.

Computer systems and human systems work better with less hierarchy depth,
rather than more.

> This way, if app-A and app-B are authorized to communicate, no more
> data copy (?)

It doesn't end up working that well. The larger the shared memory, the more
chance for semaphors and monitors to be missed.

dbus/kdbus is actually another case of re-inventing bad solutions, and
getting things more wrong the second time.

Admitted, it's often better to do something not-quite-right than do nothing
at all, but forgetting that there is a better way is not a good thing

Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens.
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

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