
Dňa Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:29:00 +0100 Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com>

> (Sorry, John.  Mea culpa.)
> On Thursday 18 September 2014 14:00:45 John Hasler wrote:
> > Why do you refuse to install systemd-shim?  Just because it has
> > "systemd" in the name?
> >
> > Providing systemd-shim or similar is really about the only thing
> > Debian can do about upstreams deciding to make their packages
> > dependent on Systemd.  The Gnome and KDE situations would be no
> > different if Debian had decided to stick with Sysvinit.
> >
> > Learn to use FVWM.
> Someone on the TDE list has just installed a functional Sid and TDE
> without a sniff of systemd.  Suspend isn't working yet.

I was try this some days ago (when latest systemd-shim goes into
testing). By my understand of the root of problem, the policykit based
users rights depends on libpam-systemd which relies on the
libsystemd-login0 information about active and/or local user logins.
And the libsystemd-login0 fails to provide correct info about user
logins, when the systemd (> 204) is not a PID 1 proces, due missing some
DBUS interface. As conclusion, i see that the dependency on the
policykit (and libsystemd-login0) in practice indirectly forces the
systemd (as PID 1), if full funkcionality is wanted (and who will want
partially working system?)

From my point of view, the systemd-shim is not a alternative to systemd
(as PID 1) in situations, where the policykit takes into play. I see
the failed suspend as minor problem, but by this, the regular user
cannot power off/reboot the machine from local XFCE session (due
insufficient user rights) too and this i see as a problem, e.g. because
i am not willing to learn my wife to use sudo for this...

BTW, the suspend is not working for me with the systemd (as PID 1) too,
but this is another problem, where the systemd is only as go-between
and problem is somewhere between the kernel and my NVidia VGA. But,
regardless from where the problem comes, it results that it doesn't
works with systemd and works with SysV (pm-utils).

I can suggest (and confirm), that the systemd-shim works without any
problems with the systemd (= 204) and with the XFCE. Then if someone is
involved, it can download all the systemd related packages from
http://snapshot.debian.org/package/systemd/204-14/. But this solution
expects to hold the old version of udev too and i afraid, when another
versioned dependency appear and count of holded packages will grow.

But to be complete, i tried to upgrade one of my virtual machine with
old testing (before systemd as default) some weeks ago (systemd
v. 208-6). This machine is completely without X server (without any X
app), with some testing servers (web, dns, etc) only. The dist-upgrade
doesn't forced me to install the systemd (as PID 1) and i had to
manually install it, to i can test it. And all works without visible
problems (except lack of my knowledge and experiences with using the
systemd ;-). I didn't test if the systemd-shim is working here, but i
think that there will be no problems.

And as latest, i will be happy, if someone will report here, when some
of newest versions of systemd (or systemd-shim|cgmanager, etc) works
fain with systemd-shim and the policykit.



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