On Sb, 11 oct 14, 15:07:31, softwatt wrote:
> On 10/11/2014 01:20 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > If you want to go forward with this I would suggest you just do it. If 
> > some Debian Developer finds your idea interesting you could even get a 
> > domain like imap.debian.net.
> Yes, I think that's the way to go. People are far more likely to adopt a
> ready-to-deploy solution than a theoretical proposal. But I'm
> interesting in hearing more opinions first.
> > You could set up several servers/accounts
> That is not needed. Different lists can simply be different folders of
> the same account. IMAP supports ignoring / subscribing to specific folders.

Yes, I know. The separation I suggested (lists.d.o, lists.alioth.d.o and 
bugs.d.o) could be necessary because of scalability issues, not only in 
the server, but also in the clients:

- lists.debian.org has 270 lists
- bugs.debian.org is quickly approaching 800000 bugs
- alioth.debian.org hosts 1042 different projects (which may ar may not 
  have one or more lists (there are 124 lists starting with debian- and 
  another 660 lists starting with pkg-).

Besides that you also have to consider some kind of message expiration 
and/or archiving, because even mutt takes a while to access my 'All 
Mail' folder on Gmail (35000+ messages).

Hmm, your proposal could be a great way of reading the archives, 
especially when combined with something like notmuch for searching :)

Kind regards,
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