Joe writes:
> You're in the wrong place.
> First, exim4 can use either one large main configuration file, or it can
> use many files for individual configuration options, and you were asked
> to decide which in the original configuration questionnaire. In this
> case, it doesn't matter which you chose. If you chose one file, it will
> be exim4.conf.template, otherwise it's the files under conf.d. Either
> way, that's where you find all the if/then clauses, which are used to
> merge update-exim4.conf.conf variables into the main file(s).
> The file you want is update-exim4.conf.conf, and I copied mine almost
> verbatim. There are no if clauses there. Each line just begins "dc_xxx"
> and ends with "='yyy'". Just edit between the quotation marks, save, and
> run update-exim4.conf. Domain names go in the 'dc_other_hostnames' and
> if there is more than one, they are separated by colons, with no spaces.
> Check after the update that /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf still
> looks right, similar to mine. Restart exim4 after that, I don't believe
> that running update-exim4.conf does that.
> The main configuration file, exim4.conf.template, or the individual
> files, allow all possible configurations, but in an effort to keep the
> local user adjustments out of these files, the dozen or so most
> fundamental configurations can be made easily either by editing
> update-exim4.conf.conf or answering the questions asked by
> dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config. If you need to do more complicated
> things, you do need to pick your way between ifdefs in the main
> configuration file(s), but that isn't necessary just to get the basic
> operation right.

        I ended up doing the dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
command mainly just to see what questions it asks and it is not
bad at all. If you want to go through it again, the previous
choices become the defaults so one can just hit Enter for most
of the questions. Your example was good to compare with but I
figured that I needed to go through the whole configuration
since what you start with after installing wheezy does not
include /etc/exim4.conf.conf.
        I'm now getting mail from all over and need to get
procmail working on this system to bring some sanity to the
torrent of messages coming in, a lot of which are from the mailer
daemons on systems trying to deliver mail over the last couple
of days.
        Thanks for all the help. I will save the messages for
future reference.

Martin McCormick

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