Am 08.11.2014 23:57, schrieb Gary Dale:
> For some reason my network card bridging has failed after working 
> properly for many years.
> My /etc/network/interfaces is:
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> iface eth0 inet manual
> auto br0
> iface br0 inet static
>          address
>          netmask
>          broadcast
>          gateway
>          bridge_ports eth0
>          bridge_stp off
>          bridge_fd 0
>          bridge_maxwait 0
>  From a fresh boot, I get nothing running.

What does

 ip link show


 ip -4 addr show


Note that in configurations where I use bridging, I don't have a 'iface
eth0 inet manual' line; since 'bridge_ports eth0' is set, this will
automatically activate 'eth0' as part of the bridge. But OTOH, I don't
see the harm that line can do...

> If I bring up br0 (ifconfig 
> br0 up), it comes up with whether I do it with eth0 up or 
> down.

This IP seems oddly familiar... Did you recently install libvirt?
Because that's the default IP for libvirt's default internal bridged
network (virbr0). Normally, that shouldn't interfere with the standard
bridge (different interface name), but maybe in your case, perhaps
because you edited your configuration?

(XML configuration under /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/, especially look
for symlinks in /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart/. Note that if you
manually edit your libvirt configuration without virt-manager or virsh,
you first have to stop it, edit the configuration and then start it
again, else it will not work and be overwritten.)

> Bringing up br0 with the address leaves me with a machine 
> that can't connect or be connected to.

Is bridge-utils still installed? What does 'brctl show' say?

- Christian

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