Not you Patrick, someone else.
I am sort of quoting
"I still do not know what you have against <whatever they were suggesting> it is far superior to wordperfect.
Odd idea about a virtual machine too.
The is far superior is the sort of thing I mean. Especially when so many others have reasons to appreciate their own word processor preferences.

On Sat, 20 Dec 2014, Patrick Wiseman wrote:

On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Karen Lewellen
<> wrote:
I seem to recall making this point when i shared that while I respect the
*personal*  computing choices of others, I need not emulate them.
In fact I never asked for word processing suggestions at all.  Mine, works,
for,  me...and I think the rich thing about computing is the freedom to  use
what works for you.
What is making me smile besides the   useless discussion comment from Curt,
is the insistence, on a list that focuses on  building computer programs
from   source, and where individual contributions are the
suggestion that anyone at all has to use the same word processor.  That and
the idea that anyone can decide what is superior for another person's
computer choices.

I don't recall anyone in this thread suggesting that. (So if the
comment is aimed my way, it's misfired.)


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