On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 07:58:22PM +0000, Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> I need to rsync several, but not all, the Maildir directories under /home.
> I have a file with all the user accounts, so what would the script be to 
> say take each user account name and then rsync up each Maildir directory.
> The rsync command would be:
> rsync -arv ./[username]/Maildir/ root@[computer]:/home/[username]/Maildir/
> I have already gone through each user's directory and manually done each 
> one over the course of the week. Now I want to be able to sink up using a 
> single command.
I think you want to use rsync's --include-from parameter.  That lets you
specify a file which contains all the includes.  I don't think you need
a catch-all --exclude=* after that, but I'm not 100% sure.  Take a look
at the FILTER RULES section of 'man rsync'.

It would be something like:

rsync -arv --include-from=my_include_file ./*/Maildir/ 

and my_include_file would be something like:


I think you want to specify 'Maildir' after each user.  Otherwise you
might end up including a directory named 'user1' which resides in
user3's directory.  In other words, be as specific as possible with your

I haven't tested any of this.  Just going from memory.


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