On 02/07/2015 04:31 PM, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 07/02/2015, Diogene Laerce <me_buss...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> On 02/07/2015 06:32 AM, Bret Busby wrote:
>>> Hello.
>> Hi,
>>> [...] Now, the request is this; please advise the stepwise procedure for
>>> using a Debian 7.x LiveCD, to (attempt to) restore GRUB, so that the
>>> GRUB menu is available and accessible and usable, and, detects the
>>> installed operating systems, and offers them as boot options.
>> You could give a try to Grub Rescue : http://www.supergrubdisk.org/
>> Good luck !
> Hello.
> Thank you for that suggestion.
> At first look, that seems useful for me, for a number of reasons
> (including, maybe finding the installed Win8 (nasty thing that it is),
> and, eliminating the forgotten passwords, and, resetting the Debian 5
> root and user passwords that I have forgotten on a different, very
> important computer, so I can maybe update it).
> However, ...
> At
> http://www.supergrubdisk.org/
> is
> "
> I am going to modify Rescatux 0.32 roadmap so that it’s easier to
> release Rescatux 0.32 even if it lacks some importants items.
>  We drop UEFI Boot Support. This does not mean not being able to fix
> grub systems based on UEFI. What it means is that I was going to make
> sure that you could boot Rescatux cd in EFI mode without a problem.
> You will be able to boot Rescatux cd from a UEFI system if the CD is
> booted in legacy boot mode (BIOS) but not as EFI mode. The reason for
> dropping this UEFI boot support is because of Debian Live for its
> Debian Wheezy version not being good enough for enabling UEFI boot
> based on grub2. I also do not want to achieve the same result by using
> current SG2D and the Rescatux isolinux image as I did in the old days.
> I just want a plain isolinux based ISO image and that’s it. I also do
> not want to rebase Rescatux on Debian Jessie even if it’s tempting.
> Once we release the stable Rescatux 0.32 we would be able to think
> about rebasing Rescatux on Debian Jessie which its Live Build package
> will have EFI support based on syslinux / isolinux. Not yet, but I’m
> sure that they won’t release Debian Live for Jessie without EFI boot
> support because it’s a must nowadays.
> "
> So, the question is ... does it work on a GPT/UEFI system? The above
> passage, makes trying to use the application, on a GPT'UEFI system,
> sound scary, kind of like flying in one of those big jet airliner
> things, with the windows open, and without parachutes.

Sorry to hear that, I actually never had to deal with a GPT/UEFI system
as I just removed the security and installed as a normal one.

Anyway the guy does say :  "This does not mean not being able to fix
grub systems based on UEFI.". So what i'd do in your case is verify
if you can effectively boot with UEFI enabled from the sgb disk
without issue. Then I guess you could assume that you could fix
your boot..

And of course, wait for more feedbacks ! :)

Kind regards,

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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