On 28/02/2015 10:23, Ric Moore wrote:
On 02/28/2015 03:44 AM, Victor wrote:

I used to do this with avidemux when I was on ubuntu and it worked all
right. But avidemux is not part of the official Debian packages.
It is on deb-multimedia, but I’d prefer not to enable a whole repo just
for this.

I enabled deb-multi and had various problems with VLC after. I REALLY wanted avidemux, too, but played merry hell purging the deb-nultimedia packages after. If you can compile avidemux from source, please let me know what packages you had to install. Ric

Build dependencies are listed here: http://avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php?id=build:install_2.6

However the supplied build script fails if you give it the --deb option. It complains about something related to fakeroot. After some searching I found that other people experienced that problem too and solved it with two edits in bootStrap.bash.

1) comment out the line
$FAKEROOT_COMMAND make package DESTDIR=$FAKEROOT_DIR/tmp || fail package
replace it with
fakeroot make package DESTDIR=$FAKEROOT_DIR/tmp || make package DESTDIR=$FAKEROOT_DIR/tmp || fail package

2) comment out the block that says
export FAKEROOT_COMMAND="fakeroot"
CMAKE_VERSION=`cmake --version | sed "s/^.* 2\.\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/2\.\1/g"`
echo "CMAKE Version : $CMAKE_VERSION"
case "$CMAKE_VERSION" in
                 echo "Cmake version >=2.8.7 doesnt need fakeroot"
                 export FAKEROOT_COMMAND=""

This builds and installs ok here.
The resulting qt4 version works fine.
The gtk one doesn’t. It just displays a window with "Glade Cannot load glade file".

That being said, I’m still looking for an alternative to burn .ass/ssa subs and to cut a video without reencoding…


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