On 03/25/2015 02:06 PM, Linux4Bene wrote:
> Op Wed, 25 Mar 2015 11:46:21 +0100, schreef Diogene Laerce:
>> Hi,
>> I have a strange behavior of iptables lately : all rules are cleaned up
>> after a few minutes.
>> iptables-persistent is installed and if I reboot just after restoring
>> all rules,
>> all rules are still loaded. But a few minutes later, they are all
>> cleaned up.
>> The same happens whenever I load them manually.
>> The chains are cleaned up but are still present, they are just empty.
>> Does someone have a idea how I can debug this ?
>> A "grep -R iptables /var/log" didn't return anything relevant.
>> Thank you
> Whenever I set up iptables I use /var/log/syslog to debug.
> You haven't installed a script that might flush the iptables?

Actually I had airvpn running - it flushes all rules when running, but
staff say that they don't have any hidden automatic script : when it's
it's closed. And my issue occurs even if their client is not running.

> Do you have a intrusion detection system running?
> I have running to see what changes on my system.

Not for the moment. I know I should but I wanted to consolidate that system
before.. What I am doing now. :)

Thank you,

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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