Me again, sorry. My question about the hardware failure was more out
of curiosity than anything else, because it's unusual for software
problems to break hardware (though quite possible). On to software...

Quoting Bret Busby (
> So, I have found xfce, on Debian 7, to be too dangerous.
> Even more incentive to stick with Debian 6, even after the LTS has expired.
> It seems that, on the eve of the release of Debian 8, Debian 7 is
> still, even less stable and functional, than Debian 6.

When you've run D6 and D7, has it been on the same machine? What's the
basic configuration of your system; did you install D7 over D6, or are
they in separate partitions so you can try running either one and then
the other? Do you have a separate /home partition or any others like
that? And lastly, just out of interest, I don't recall your saying
whether you have tried installing and running D8 yet.


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