On Fri, 29 May 2015 13:18:17 -0600
Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

> Jochen Spieker wrote:
> > Petter Adsen:
> > > I'm starting to suspect that it is. Either that, or the
> > > controller on the motherboard, which would be even worse.
> > 
> > Or just the cable (if we are not talking about a laptop). I got rid
> > of similar errors in the past by replacing the SATA cable.
> If it were me I would swap cables and move to a different SATA port on
> the motherboard.  I have seen individual SATA ports fail with the rest
> of the ports okay.  I also have the advantage of many different sets
> of hardware available and so I would mix and match the various parts
> into different systems.  If the problem stays with the system or moves
> with the moved part is a good diagnostic aid in determining which
> piece of hardware or software is causing problems.  In this case it is
> 1) the kernel software 2) sata cable 3) sata device 4) motherboard
> sata controller.  At least one of those is the problem.  It is a
> mental game of Mastermind to determine which.

From what I can understand of the messages above, it seems the
error messages are coming from two different devices, ata4 and ata5 -
or am I wrong? To me, that would (unfortunately) indicate the


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"Are you sure?"
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