Installation was on second drive, and grub was installed to the MBR of that drive. Restart dropped me into grub rescue mode with the message about normal.mod not being found. After mounting the drive in Wheezy, I find that the directory that normal.mod is supposed to be in, is not there. There are only 2 files in /boot/grub - vastly different from the grub 1.99 of Wheezy!

Try booting from a live CD/USB stick, entering your new installation in a chroot and running update-grub and grub-install /dev/<your device>.

I had a lot of similar problems (see recent posts on this list) and ended up installing lilo instead of grub. The config is much simpler than grub2.

I have found the upgrade to jessie a painful process - the main issues being the change to systemd, grub2 and config changes required in the new Apache. I've almost got everything running properly now.

As an ex NZ South Islander - feel free to send me a message if you need any tips! I'm no guru.

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