Dear All,

i have 2 drives installed way back in 2013 /dev/sda and /dev/sdb

I have been using RAID1 b/w  two 1.5 TB  drives which worked great with
fdisk. now one of the drive is failed and there is no more 1.5 TB available
in the market. the least available drive is 2TB. Which means "fdisk 2TB

Faulty drive is (/dev/sdb) now i want to replace the dead drive with the
new 2TB drive that will definitely be a GPT.

in old times i could use sfdisk command to copy partition table now since
the new drive is 2TB my question is can i use sfdisk on 2TB drive.? i think
this will not work since old drive is non GPT which means copying non GPT
partition to a drive supports only GPT will not work.

so this is the point where i am confuse and need your help.

- i want to copy my old drive (1.5TB) partition table (non GPT)  to new 2TB
partition table (GPT)?

- and then further want to replace the bad drive from mdadam?

can you guys please guide me. step by step


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