Dear All,

I have 4 partitions in my /dev/sdb total size of a whole drive is 2 TB in
where main partition is of 1TB in size.

however i want to increase this 1TB partition. therefore i added new 3TB
/dev/sda and replicated the partition tables with with gdisk.

which worked great.

now the partition that was in the size of 1TB and copied to the new drive
/dev/sda i deleted the partition. and created the new one with increase
size of 2TB.

now i have also attached sda 2TB partition with sdb 1TB partition. sync is
in progress which will probably be synced in few hours.

My question is if i add another new 3TB drive by replace the old 2TB drive.
similarly i copy the partition table from gdisk from old 3TB to now 3TB.
but point of notice is now the size of 1TB partition should become 2TB. do
you guys think this will happen automatically or i have to make some
changes in order to grow the size.

Any help/guidance will be highly appreciated.


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