On Tue, 8/25/15, Pascal Hambourg <pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org> wrote:

// What does  "ls (hd0,msdos1)/grub/" show ? Just a few files
//  and  directories or plenty of *.mod files?

I have the drive disconnected at the moment but, as far as I remember, "ls 
shows all the files that are normally expected to be there.

The /boot partition of the problem drive was restored using dd:
            # dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 conv=sync,noerror
where  /dev/sda1 is the /boot partion of the good working HD that boots properly
             /dev/sdb1 is the /boot partion of the HD that fails to boot and 
that I'm trying to get working



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