On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 09:18:42PM -0400, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Oh joy!  forgive my nose, especially since I missed this post at first.
> Still, I am typing right now, this very moment, on a real IBM clicky
> keyboard!
> However the cable is starting to fray,  and I was wondering if I
> would be able to replace this treasure...i. have. had. this. for. a.
> very! long time.
> Anyway, your link to this company may be a solution and I am
> sososososo happy!

You can also buy new ones at http://www.pckeyboard.com from
Unicomp, in both PS/2 and USB models.

(and other variants: TrackPoint, trackball, 122-key, and most of
these in either black or white bodies)


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