On Mon, September 21, 2015 11:33 am, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> a font called "Anonymous Pro" that is billed as a "fixed width sans serif
> font designed for coders".
> Further description is: "Anonymous Pro (2009) is a family of four
> fixed-width fonts designed  especially with coding in mind. Characters
> that
> could be mistaken for  one another (O, 0, I, l, 1, etc.) have distinct
> shapes to make them  easier to tell apart in the context of source code."

Regarding disambiguity, Courier is one of the best fonts; likewise Times
Roman.  The only problem with Times Roman with respect to coding is that
it is not fixed-width.

Sans-serif is not a desirable attribute, except for certain applications
such as newspaper headlines.  Studies have shown that serif fonts are more
readable and less fatiguing, because the serifs of a letter or numeral
convey much information.

But Americans crave novelty, so there always is a market for the
"different" when it is claimed to be "new" and "improved".


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