
Martin Str|mberg wrote:
> I read this as the news group linux.debian.user on aioe.org with tin.

Actually debian-user is a mailing list, not a newsgroup.
(Communicating via POP, IMAP, SMTP instead of NNTP.)

The group is obviously a mirror of the list.
My news provider has it and it seems up to date.

> Now I hope somebody can tell me if there's an easier way to reply to the
> list using tin,

"tin" is not on my computer (well, maybe in the solder joints).
So i cannot tell about its operation.
Do posts to the newsgroup show up on the mailing list ?
(Dare to try.)

Maybe you have a favorite mail client which is better suited.
In this case go to https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/
and enter the mail address by which you want to receive the
mail traffic.

The mail from Martin indeed has no LDOSUBSCRIBER in its
"X-Spam-Status:". So the problem might be gone for Maderios,
but the riddle is not solved:
- Why no mail delivery despite being known to the spam filter
  as subscriber ?
- Why successful re-subscription with re-enabled delivery ?
- Was that mail
  really the trigger for the mess ?

Have a nice day :)


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