On Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:04:03 +0300, moxalt <mox...@riseup.net> wrote:

> > Besides no attribution or quoting
> Anyone subscribed to the mailing list and in a client with threading will be
> able to see the context, and anyone recently subscribed can look at the
> archives for all I care. If a message deserves a point-by-point rebuttal I'll
> give it one in the appropriate format.
> > you appear to have completely missed understanding the point of this thread.
> What I said had nothing to do with 'the point of the entire thread'- seeing as
> it's already been resolved. Francesco said that OP was only receiving posts
> due to him being CC'd by the sender- I thought that was a bit strange and
> enquired as to whether the Debian list sends people's messages back to them
> by default. Since I had only just subscribed and had not received any posts
> back yet I had cause to wonder.
> Be thankful I'm not top-posting.

Ah, screw it. I quote now.

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