On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:21:16 -0700 (PDT), ray <r...@aarden.us> wrote:

> The above reference was for the 'free' version.  I have not been able to get
> the non-free to boot.  I have wiped the Win OS and now it just says no
> bootable device.  So I will write to another stick and see it that works.

This seems very strange- if you are able to get the free version to boot you
should be able to get the non-free ISO to boot as well. They are identical,
save the inclusion of non-free firmware.

The 'no bootable device' message- does this occur when you select the hard
drive as the boot device, or the USB? The hard drive is understandable (since
there is no longer a boot loader or operating system on it) but this really
should not happen with the USB. Can you describe your BIOS settings to us?
UEFI, Secure Boot, CSM, that sort of thing.

I would also recommend you prepare the boot device with Rufus. It is by far the
best USB ISO writer for Windows. Pity you don't have access to a UNIX box with

> > Your second suggestion I think is probably what actually happened. During
> > the 'hardware detection' phase of the installation process (where as you
> > noted, there are indeed no buttons), it can sometimes hang for a bit,
> > usually for a few seconds. It can take up to a few minutes on some
> > machines, though. Be patient.
> I will apply another dose of patience.  Thank you.

Good luck.

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