On 10/31/15, Martin Read <zen75...@zen.co.uk> wrote:
> On 31/10/15 12:02, Chris Bannister wrote:
>> Logically, doesn't it make more sense to make it so that you install
>> with the minimum number of packages necessary, and then download any
>> extra packages you want *after* the install?
> Only if you accept austere minimalism as axiomatically good.

I think it was Chris that mentioned bandwidth. I debootstrap Debian
"several" times a year on dialup. LOVE IT! Getting ready to do so
again in the next few days. I end up with basically zero packages of
almost everything when going that route.. *grin*

Prior to that, I was using various distros offered via CD/DVDs. It
crossed my mind more than a few times that, *in an ideal World*, those
larger install options (that aren't hard line themed in some very
specific way) would consciously offer at least 2 different notable
program packages of each [genre/class/type/yada]. My thinking there is
that it's a nice way to introduce newcomers to the fact that Debian
offers so much variety in many, if not most places we look within.

In the *real* World, Developers who package up each Debian release
face variables like current CD/DVD size limitations. That's when they
have to start making those difficult decisions about what packages are
shipped and which ones hit the cutting room floor. Just glad I'm not
wearing those Shoes. :)

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* plays with plastic bags *

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